Hugo Wolf: The Complete Songs
Recorded live at the Oxford Lieder Festival on Stone Records.

Vol.1: Mörike Lieder part 1
The first disc in the first complete recording of the songs of Hugo Wolf (1860-1903), recorded live at the Oxford Lieder Festival. This first disc features settings of Mörike.
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Vol.2: Mörike Lieder part 2
The second disc in the first complete recording of the songs of Hugo Wolf (1860-1903), recorded live at the Oxford Lieder Festival. This second disc features settings of Mörike.
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Vol.3: Italienisches Liederbuch
The third disc in the first complete recording of the songs of Hugo Wolf (1860-1903), recorded live at the Oxford Lieder Festival. This third disc features his Italian songbook.
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Vol.4: Keller, Fallersleben, Ibsen & other poets
The fourth disc in the first complete recording of the songs of Hugo Wolf (1860-1903), recorded live at the Oxford Lieder Festival. This fourth disc features settings of Keller, Fallersleben, Ibsen & others.
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Vol.5: Heine, Reinick, Shakespeare & Byron
The fifth disc in the first complete recording of the songs of Hugo Wolf (1860-1903), recorded live at the Oxford Lieder Festival. This fifth disc features settings of Heine, Reinick, Shakespeare and Byron.
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Vol.6: Lenau & Spanisches Liederbuch (Geistliche Lieder)
The sixth disc in the first complete recording of the songs of Hugo Wolf (1860-1903), recorded live at the Oxford Lieder Festival. This sixth disc features settings of Lenau and the sacred texts from the Spanish songbook.
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Vol.7: Spanisches Liederbuch – Weltliche Lieder
The seventh disc in the first complete recording of the songs of Hugo Wolf (1860-1903), recorded live at the Oxford Lieder Festival. This seventh disc features the secular songs from the Spanish songbook.
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Vol.8: Eichendorff Lieder
The eighth disc in the first complete recording of the songs of Hugo Wolf (1860-1903), recorded live at the Oxford Lieder Festival. This eighth disc features his settings of the poet Eichendorff.
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Vol.9: Michelangelo Lieder & early songs
The ninth disc in the first complete recording of the songs of Hugo Wolf (1860-1903), recorded live at the Oxford Lieder Festival, featuring his settings of the poet Michelangelo and his early songs.
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Vol.10: Goethe Lieder part 1
The tenth disc in the first complete recording of the songs of Hugo Wolf (1860-1903), recorded live at the Oxford Lieder Festival, featuring the settings of Goethe.
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Vol.11: Goethe Lieder part 2
The eleventh and final disc in the first complete recording of the songs of Hugo Wolf (1860-1903), recorded live at the Oxford Lieder Festival, featuring settings of Goethe.
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Robert and Clara Schumann Rückert Lieder
This album features every piano-accompanied setting of the poet Friedrich Rückert by both Robert and Clara Schumann, including duets and ensembles. It was recorded on Stone Records, in collaboration with BBC Music Magazine, in preparation for Oxford Lieder's The Schumann Project in 2016.
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Schubert Lieder Year by Year
This album features one song from each year of Schubert's creative life. It was recorded on Stone Records, in preparation for Oxford Lieder's The Schubert Project in 2014 - the first ever complete performance of Schubert's songs in a single festival.
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Britten: Canticles & The heart of the matter
Live recording of Britten’s five canticles, with the extended version of Canticle III (The heart of the matter).
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