A Shropshire Lad: Robert Murray, Mark Stone & Graham Johnson
29 October 2015, 6:30pm - 9:30pm
Simon Callow narrator
Robert Murray tenor
Joshua Ellicott tenor
Mark Stone baritone
Graham Johnson piano
A rare and special opportunity to hear A.E. Housman’s collection A Shropshire Lad with readings interspersed with musical settings by Butterworth, Orr, Ireland, Moeran and others.
The concert will be in two parts, beginning at 6.30pm, with a 75-minute supper interval at approx. 7.30pm. Limited places are available for dinner at the Vaults (glass of wine included), or there will be time to have dinner in other local restaurants.
The following songs will be included in tonight's concert:
George Butterworth: Loveliest of Trees
C.W. Orr: O see how thick the goldcup flowers
George Butterworth: When the lad for longing sighs
John Ireland: March & The Heart’s Desire
C.W. Orr: When I watch the living meet
George Butterworth: When I was one and Twenty
George Butterworth: Look not in my eyes
John Ireland: Goal and Wicket
Ralph Vaughan Williams: Oh when I was in love with you
Ernest Moeran: Oh fair enough are sky and plain
George Butterworth: Bredon Hill
John Ireland: The Encounter
George Butterworth: The Lads in their hundreds
C.W. Orr: This time of year
Ralph Vaughan Williams: Along the field
George Butterworth: Is my team ploughing?
John Ireland: The Lent lily
Ralph Vaughan Williams: From far, from eve and morning
John Ireland: The Vain Desire
George Butterworth: On the idle hill of summer
John Ireland: Hawthorn Time
C.W. Orr: Into my heart an air that kills
George Butterworth: Think no more lad: laugh, be jolly
Ivor Gurney: Far in a western brookland
Samuel Barber: With rue my heart is laden
John Ireland: Epilogue
C.W. Orr: The Isle of Portland
C.W. Orr: Hughley Steeple

16 October 2015 | 9:00am