Ferrier Song Prize Winners

16 October 2010, 3:00pm - 4:00pm

Angela Bic – soprano
Winner of the 2009 Kathleen Ferrier Awards Song Prize

Robin Davis – piano
Winner of the 2009 Kathleen Ferrier Awards Musicians Benevolent Fund Accompanist’s Prize

The duo of Angela Bic and Robin Davis gave a memorable lunchtime recital at the 2008 Lieder Festival, and in 2009 they won the Song Prize and Accompanists’ Prize at the prestigious Kathleen Ferrier Awards. They present a carefully thought out programme of songs celebrating the anniversaries of Schumann, Wolf and Mahler, also including songs by Schubert and Strauss.

This programme lasts one hour without interval.

Generously supported by the Kathleen Ferrier Memorial Scholarship Fund


Robert Schumann: Aufträge

Gustav Mahler: Frühlingsmorgen
Robert Schumann: Im wunderschönen Monat Mai
Hugo Wolf: Im Frühling
Robert Schumann: Frühlingsnacht

Robert Schumann: Du bist wie eine Blume
Richard Strauss: Die Georgine

Robert Schumann: Waldesgespräch
Hugo Wolf: Nachtzauber
Robert Schumann: Muttertraum

Gustav Mahler: Liebst du um Schönheit
Hugo Wolf: Bitt’ ihn, o Mutter
Arnold Schönberg: Jane Grey

Franz Schubert: Der Neugierige
Franz Schubert: Ungeduld
Richard Strauss: Geduld
Hugo Wolf: Gebet

2010 brochure

15 October 2010 | 9:00am

2010 Festival

Previous Event
Introduction to Musical Resources on the Web
16 October 2010, 1:30pm - 2:30pm
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Katarina Karnéus & Julius Drake
16 October 2010, 7:00pm - 8:40pm

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