Hugo Wolf – The Complete Mörike Lieder, part 1

22 October 2010, 7:00pm - 8:50pm

7pm (free): Pre-concert talk
Natasha Loges: "A Perfect Marriage of Sense and Sound; Wolf's Mörike Lieder"

Hugo Wolf wrote almost nothing other than songs, but the legacy he left is a rich one. His writing found its peak with his settings of the poet Eduard Mörike, often compared to Britten and Auden or Schubert and Goethe for the perfect marriage of composer and poet.

Mörike was a pastor and painter as well as a poet and a great lover of music. His poems range from short, bright reflections on nature and simple love poetry to much darker introverted worlds. Wolf evidently felt a great affinity with the poet and his works: of his 53 settings (notwithstanding a handful of earlier efforts), every one is a gem and a remarkable number are considered masterpieces of the song repertoire.

Over the next two nights, 150 years on from the composer's birth, we hear all 53 of these extraordinary settings, performed by four singers who are firm favourites with Oxford Lieder audiences.



PRELUDE (four early songs)

Suschens Vogel
Die Tochter der Heide
Der König bei der Krönung


Der Genesene an die Hoffnung
Der Knabe und das Immlein
Ein Stündlein wohl vor Tag
Der Tambour
Er ist's
Das verlassene Mägdlein
Nimmersatte Liebe
An eine Aeolsharfe


Im Frühling
Auf einer Wanderung
Der Gärtner
Zitronenfalter im April
Um Mitternacht
Auf eine Christblume I
Auf eine Christblume II
Auf ein altes Bild
In der Frühe
Schlafendes Jesuskind

2010 brochure

15 October 2010 | 9:00am

2010 Festival

Previous Event
Lunch with Schumann III
22 October 2010, 12:10pm - 1:00pm
Next Event
Bring & Sing
23 October 2010, 10:30am - 12:00pm

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