Opening Concert: Ian Partridge

10 October 2008, 8:00pm

This concert is generously supported by The Helena Oldacre Trust

Ian Partidge began his singing career as a chorister at New College at the age of ten. Sixty years later, it is fitting that he should retire from the recital platform back in Oxford, and it is a great honour for the Lieder Festival to host this occasion. Throughout his long and prestigious career, Ian has been especially well-known for interpretations of Schubert, and tonight he will perform a selection of his favourite songs. This is sure to be a wonderful way to open the 2008 Lieder Festival and is not an occasion to miss.


Franz Schubert (1797 - 1828)

Night Songs 

Der Wanderer an den Mond


An den Mond

Lied eines Schiffers an die Dioskuren

Der Entfernten

An den Mond

Wand’rers Nachtlied

An die untergehende Sonne

Die Sterne

Nacht und Träume



Klage an den Mond


Die Nacht


Am Fenster

Am See


Kolmas Klage

Der Einsame

Final Oxf Lieder little RGB

10 October 2008 | 9:00am

2008 Festival

Next Event
Schubert's Kosegarten Liederspiel
11 October 2008, 2:00pm

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