Rural Lieder - Adrian Ward & Annabelle Thwaite

28 October 2006, 3:00pm

Adrian Ward - tenor

Annabelle Thwaite - piano

Robert Schumann (1810 - 1856) - Liederkreis Op. 39 (Eichendorff)
Songs by Franz Schubert

Please note this programme will NOT include Britten's Winter Words as advertised in the Festival brochure. Winter Words may now be heard in Adrian Thompson's recital on Sunday 15th.

Brochure 2006

01 October 2006 | 9:00am

2006 Festival

Previous Event
Singing for All
28 October 2006, 10:30am
Next Event
2006 Closing Night - Susan Gritton / Eugene Asti
28 October 2006, 8:00pm

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