Schubert's Creative Process: a talk given by Natasha Loges
23 October 2014, 10:30am - 11:30am
Presented in association with the Bodleian Library
Manuscripts will be on display 10am-4pm
Natasha Loges speaker
Natasha Loges explore's Schubert's creative process, in particular examining the Grand Duo for piano duet (D812). The manuscript of this ground-breaking work is in the collection of the Bodleian Library and will be on display during the day (10am-4pm), along with the setting of Ernst Schulze's 'Tiefes Leid'.
A fascinating and unmissable opportunity to find out about Schubert's unique style and working method. A complete performance of the Grand Duo will be included in the lunchtime concert that follows this talk.

10 October 2014 | 9:00am