Schubert's Life & Times: 1816-1817

18 October 2014, 10:00am - 2:00pm


Graham Johnson OBE piano
Raphaela Papadakis soprano
Benjamin Hulett tenor
Robert Murray tenor
Benjamin Appl baritone

In the second of his lecture-recitals, tracing the course of Schubert’s life, Graham Johnson explores the prolific years of 1816 and 1817, as the composer begins to establish his reputation.


11am: Welcome coffee
11.30am: Lecture-recital part one
12.45pm: A light lunch will be available to purchase
1.30pm: Lecture-recital part two

Programme to include:

Sponsor a Song: click on any title to find out how to sponsor this song and have your name, or that of a dedicatee, appear alongside it in this concert's printed programme.

Der Tod Oscars, D375 Die Entzückung an Laura, D390 Pflügerlied, D392 Lied, D403a/b Beitrag zur fünfzigjährigen Jubelfeier des Herrn von Salieri, ersten k.k. Hofkapellmeister in Wien, D407 Sprache der Liebe, D410 Stimme der Liebe, D412 Gott im Frühlinge, D448 Aus 'Diego Manzanares': Ilmerine, D458 Liedesend, D473 Abendlied, D499 Zufriedenheit 'Lied’, D362 Leiden der Trennung, D509 La pastorella al prato, D528 Die Nacht, D534 Antigone und Oedip, "Ihr hohen Himmlischen erhöret”, D542 Trost im Liede, D546 An die Musik, D547 Schweizerlied, D559 Fischerlied, D562 Der Strom, D565 Atys, D585 Die Blumensprache, D519 An den Frühling, D587
2014 brochure

10 October 2014 | 9:00am

2014 Festival: The Schubert Project

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'Why does the Queen die?': a new play by Iain Burnside
17 October 2014, 7:00pm - 8:10pm
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Family Concert
18 October 2014, 1:00pm - 2:00pm

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