Schubert's Life & Times: 1818-1821

22 October 2014, 10:00am - 2:00pm


Graham Johnson OBE piano
Geraldine McGreevy soprano
Anna Huntley mezzo-soprano
Daniel Johannsen tenor
Stephan Loges baritone

In the third of his lecture-recitals, Graham Johnson explores the years 1818-1821: not Schubert's most prolific in terms of song, but crucial years for his growing reputation and stylistic development.


11am - Welcome coffee
11.30am - Lecture-recital part one
12.45pm - A light lunch will be available to purchase
1.30pm - Lecture-recital part two

Programme to include:

Sponsor a Song: click on any title to find out how to sponsor this song and have your name, or that of a dedicatee, appear alongside it in this concert's printed programme.

Die Geselligkeit 'Lebenslust’, D609 Auf der Riesenkoppe, D611 An den Mond in einer Herbstnacht, D614 Sing-übungen (arr. Roblou), D619 Das Abendrot, D627 Sonett III, D630 Blanka, D631 Vom mitleiden Mariä, D632 Himmelsfunken, D651 Bertas Lied in der Nacht, D653 An die Freunde, D654 Die Sternennächte, D670 Morgenlied, D685 Nachthymne, D687 Namenstagslied, D695 Freiwilliges Versinken, D700 Der Unglückliche, D713 Grenzen der Menschheit, D716 'Mignon I’, D726 'Mignon II’, D727 Der Blumen Schmerz, D731
2014 brochure

10 October 2014 | 9:00am

2014 Festival: The Schubert Project

Previous Event
Masterclass given by Roger Vignoles
22 October 2014, 9:00am - 11:30am

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