Settings of Alexander Pushkin

24 October 2009, 8:00pm

Songs by Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov, Mussorksky, Glinka and others

This concert is generously upported by Stephen Mitchell

Alexander Pushkin is one of the most popular and frequently set poets of the Russian song composers. Tonight we hear a selection of these settings, some well known, some less so, but all great works. Joan Rodgers CBE and Malcolm Martineau are both regarded as amongst the world's finest recitalists, and Joan Rodgers has a particularly strong reputation for her interpretation of the Russian masters. This recital coincides with tonight's artists' new CD release of Pushkin settings on the Hyperion label.

"15 Minutes of Fame"

At the start of this concert, two outstanding young artists will perform fifteen minutes of music. This in opportunity for them to have a high-profile platform and for the Oxford Lieder audience to spot some exceptional rising talent.

Tonight's artists will be

Gary Griffiths - baritone

Nico de Villiers - piano

Gary recently won the prestigious Gold Medal at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama (amongst many renowned previous winners is another Welsh baritone - Bryn Terfel) and had a lead role in this summer's British Youth Opera production of Rossini's La Scala di Seta. He and ico will perform Poulenc's outrageous but ever popular Chansons Gaillardes.

2009 Festoival

16 October 2009 | 9:00am

2009 Festival

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