Settings of Goethe & Matthisson: Malin Christensson, Joshua Ellicott & Simon Lepper

29 October 2014, 1:10pm - 2:10pm


Malin Christensson soprano
Joshua Ellicott tenor
Simon Lepper piano

This programme includes some of the most popular settings of Goethe, including 'Heidenroslein', 'Rastlose Liebe' and both 'Wandrers Nachlieder'.


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Settings of Friedrich von Matthisson (1761-1831): Erinnerung 'Totenopfer’, D101 Geisternähe, D100 Erinnerungen, D98 Romanze, D114 Die Sterbende, D186 Naturgenuss, D188 Totenkranz für ein Kind, D275 Der Abend, D108   Settings of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832): Nachtgesang, D119 Jägers Abendlied, D215 Jägers Abendlied, D368 Wandrers Nachtlied I, D224 Wandrers Nachtlied II, D768 Am Flusse, D160 Heidenröslein, D257 Rastlose Liebe, D138 Der Goldschmiedsgesell, D560 Wer kauft Liebesgötter?, D261 Die Spinnerin, D247 Am Flusse, D766
2014 brochure

10 October 2014 | 9:00am

2014 Festival: The Schubert Project

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Masterclass given by Robert Holl
29 October 2014, 10:00am - 12:30pm
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Screening of 'Mit meinen heissen Thränen', Part Three
29 October 2014, 3:00pm - 4:30pm

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