Settings of Körner & Schiller: Elena Copons, Jan Petryka, Klemens Sander & Deirdre Brenner
19 October 2014, 4:00pm - 5:10pm
Elena Copons soprano
Jan Petryka tenor
Klemens Sander baritione
Deirdre Brenner piano
Klemens Sander and Deirdre Brenner gave a stunning recital at the 2013 Festival and return this year with two other exceptional singers. Their programme includes the stirring poetry of Theodor Körner, whom Schubert knew, as well as settings of Schiller and the fun-filled trio ‘Die Hochzeitsbraten’, to a poem by Schubert’s friend Schober.
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Settings of Theodor Körner (1791-1813):
Sängers Morgenlied, D163 Sängers Morgenlied, D165 Amphiaraos, D166 Gebet während der Schlacht, D171 Das war ich, D174 Liebesrausch, D179 Gott, höre meine Stimme, D190/5 Liebeständelei, D206 Das gestörte Glück, D309 Ritter Toggenburg, D397 (Friedrich von Schiller: 1759-1805) Thekla 'Eine Geisterstimme’, D595 (Friedrich von Schiller) Der Hochzeitsbraten, D930 (Franz von Schober: 1798-1882)Series

10 October 2014 | 9:00am