Settings of Matthison & Salis-Seewis: Nicholas Mulroy, Anna Dennis & John Reid
14 October 2014, 12:10pm - 1:10pm
Anna Dennis soprano
Nicholas Mulroy tenor
John Reid piano
1816 and 1817 were both prolific years of songs and these two poets – the German Matthison and Swiss Salis-Seewis – contributed to this flowering. Three exceptional bring these delightful songs to life.
Sponsor a Song: click on any title to find out how to sponsor this song and have your name, or that of a dedicatee, appear alongside it in this concert's printed programme.
Klage (D415) Julius an Theone (D419) Skolie (D507) Lebenslied (D508) Stimme der Liebe (D418) Stimme der Liebe (D187) Geist der Liebe (D414) Entzückung (D413) Vollendung (D579a) Die Erde (D579b) Der Entfernten (D350) Fischerlied (D351) Pflügerlied (D392) Die Einsiedelei (D393) An die Harmonie (D394) Lied (D403a) Abschied von der Harfe (D406) Die Herbstnacht (D404) Der Herbstabend (D405) Herbstlied (D502) Fischerlied (D562) Die Einsiedelei (D563) Der Jüngling an der Quelle (D300)Series

10 October 2014 | 9:00am