Social DistanSong Day Eight: Joan Rodgers plus Live Q&A at 5pm

04 April 2020, 10:00am - 11:55pm

It's the last day of Social DistanSong! We know that nothing can replace the experience of live music - and how we all look forward to enjoying that again! - but we also hope that you've enjoyed what we've been able to send you over the week. At 5pm today, Oxford Lieder's Artistic Director, Sholto Kynoch, will do a live Q&A. This will be via YouTube, and you'll be able to watch it on this page. We'll post the link just before it starts, so refresh this page at 5pm to see it. If you have any questions, do email them (ideally in advance) to
In the meantime, Joan Rodgers, who would have been leading the Mastercourse over the past week, has sent us a short film introducing some of her favourite recordings. Watch this below, and the links to the songs she recommends follow that.


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Joan's introduction to some of her favourite recordings:

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Click here for a Spotify Playlist of Joan's selected songs.

And below are links to the same recordings on YouTube:

Kathleen Ferrier singing Stanford's 'A Soft Day'

Boris Christoff singing Mussorsky's 'Hobby Horse', from The Nursery

Suzanne Danco singing Ravel's 'Placet futile' from Trois Poèmes de Stéphane Mallarmé

Nikolai Gedda singing Schubert's 'Du bist die Ruh'

Janet Baker singing Mahler's 'Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen' from the Rückert Lieder

Oisf placeholder

27 March 2020 | 10:00am

Social DistanSong

Previous Event
Social DistanSong Day Seven: Robin Tritschler & Graham Johnson
03 April 2020, 10:00am - 11:55pm

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