Social DistanSong Day Four: Klemens Sander & Sholto Kynoch

31 March 2020, 10:00am - 11:55pm

We're already at day four of Social DistanSong, our way of staying in touch and engaged during our cancelled Spring Song period. Last year, the Austrian baritone Klemens Sander stepped in at short notice to give a memorably excellent performance of Schubert's Die schöne Müllerin (see below), and it's a particular shame that his planned recital this year should be cancelled. But we're delighted that he and his wife Uta have sent us some songs below, recorded in their apartment in Vienna. We're also pleased to include an update from Stewart Campbell, who is currently working on his PhD in a collaboration between Oxford Lieder and the University of Birmingham. Stewart gives us some fascinating insights into the focus of his research and the results of his fieldwork (conducted at last year's Oxford Lieder Festival).

Remember that you can find texts and translations of all the songs that were due to be performed today in the 'Explore' section on the main menu above, or by going to the original event listing and clicking on the Programme tab.

Klemens and Uta Sander perform Schubert's 'Am Strome', D539, with a welcome to Oxford Lieder audiences from Klemens:

[youtube url=]

Klemens and Uta perform Schubert's 'Am Flusse', D766:

[youtube url=]

Klemens and Uta perform Schubert's 'Fischerweise', D881:

[youtube url=]

Klemens and Uta also kindly recorded this 'encore', a beautiful traditional Viennese song, 'Stellts euch die Welt ohne Musi vor':

[youtube url=]

And lastly, we found the Live Stream recording from last year's concert at the Jacqueline du Pré Music Building, which Klemens jumped into at 24 hours' notice to perform a stunning Die schöne Müllerin. Here it is:

[youtube url=]

Stewart Campbell discusses his PhD research, offering insights into the role of song in the contemporary world:

[youtube url=]

Click here for Klemens's Spotify Playlist* of the full programme he and Sholto would have performed this evening (plus a few extras!).

*You'll need to be a Spotify user to listen to this

Lastly, click here for Sholto's Spotify Playlist of the same programme.

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27 March 2020 | 10:00am

Social DistanSong

Previous Event
Social DistanSong Day Three: Dorottya Láng & Julius Drake
30 March 2020, 12:00pm - 11:55pm
Next Event
Social DistanSong Day Five: Lotte Betts-Dean & Ensemble x.y
01 April 2020, 10:00am - 11:55pm

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