Songs of the Night & the Stars: Wolfgang Holzmair & Sholto Kynoch

24 October 2014, 8:45pm - 9:45pm


Wolfgang Holzmair baritone
Sholto Kynoch piano

Wolfgang Holzmair's appearances at the Lieder Festival are always special occasions. For tonight's late-night concert, he has devised a wonderful programme of songs on a theme of night and the stars.

This programme will be repeated on Sunday 26th as a special Pass-holders' event in the Radcliffe Observatory. Pass holders will be contacted closer to the time. Find out more about our Passes here...


Sponsor a Song: click on any title to find out how to sponsor this song and have your name, or that of a dedicatee, appear alongside it in this concert's printed programme.

Der Einsame, D800 Trost, D671 Die Sternennächte, D670 Der Geistertanz, D116 Die Nacht, D534 In der Mitternacht, D464 Waldesnacht, D708 Die Sterne, D684 An den Mond in einer Herbstnacht, D614 Die Sterne, D939 Lied eines Schiffers an die Dioskuren, D360 Die Sternenwelten, D307 Die Gestirne, D444 Die Sterne, D176 Nacht und Träume, D827
2014 brochure

10 October 2014 | 9:00am

2014 Festival: The Schubert Project

Next Event
Schubert's Life & Times: 1822-1825
25 October 2014, 10:00am - 1:45pm

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