Spring Series - Westcott / Kynoch

13 March 2010, 8:00pm

Rising star Miranda Westcott is currently attending the Cardiff International Academy of Voice and has already made her Royal Opera House debut. Her programme with pianist Sholto Kynoch begins with a group of Schumann settings of the poet Friedrich Rückert (who will also feature, in settings by Schubert, in the concert on April 10th) and continues with Mahler's famous settings of the same poet, some of his most popular songs. Also included in this half is a rare gem, Carl Maria von Weber's trio for flute, cello and piano, an unjustly neglected work of the romantic era.

In the second half, we hear Judith Weir's wonderful "Songs from the Exotic"; see the link below for Judith Weir's programme note. Ravel's  Chansons Madécasses, for piano, voice, flute and cello, contain some of his most inventive and colourful writing. The programme rounds off with Manuel de Falla's Seven Popular Songs, full of Spanish passion and the perfect close to the concert.

Some interesting links:

The website of Miranda Westcott

A clip from Mahler's Rückert  Lieder

A clip from Ravel Chansons Madécasses

The texts to de Falla's Siete Canciones Populares Espanolas

Judith Weir's programme note to "Songs from the Exotic"

Robert Schumann


Aus den östlichen Rosen


Clara Schumann

Liebst du um Schönheit

Carl Maria von Weber

Trio for Flute, Cello and Piano

Gustav Mahler

Rückert  Lieder

i. Ich atmet’ einen linden Duft

ii. Blicke mir nicht in die Lieder!

iii. Liebst du um Schönheit

iv. Um Mitternacht

v. Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen


Judith Weir

Songs from the Exotic

i. Sevdalino, my little one

ii. In the lovely village of Nevesinje

iii. The Romance of Count Arnaldo

iv. The song of a girl ravished away by the fairies in South Uist

Maurice Ravel

Chansons Madecasses

i. Nahandove

ii. Aoua

iii. Il est doux

Manuel de Falla

Siete Canciones Populares Espanolas

i. El pano moruno

ii. Seguidilla Murciana

iii. Asturiana

iv. Jota

v. Nana

vi. Cancion

vii. Polo

2010 Spring

30 January 2010 | 9:00am

2010 Spring Series

Previous Event
Spring Series - 'Spread a Little Happiness' (Daneman/Mulligan)
14 February 2010, 3:00pm
Next Event
Spring Series - McKail/Spence/Yamada/Kynoch
10 April 2010, 8:00pm

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