Summer Song Series: Maciek O'Shea (baritone) & Sholto Kynoch (piano)

25 May 2008, 4:00pm

For a sneak preview podcast interview with Maciek and Classic FM's Bob Jones, visit 

Well-loved baritone Maciek O'Shea is no stranger to Oxford Lieder audiences, and returns once more to kick off the Summer Song Series with Sholto Kynoch, piano Together Maciek and Sholto will perform music by Schubert, Finzi and Tchaikovsky.

There will be a chance to enjoy the afternoon with a cup of tea in the beautiful setting of the Jacqueline du Pre Music Building's glass atrium with views of the Isis and Christ Church meadow before the recital, and to mingle with the artists afterwards with drinks available from the bar.

Programme -

Schubert: An die Musik | Ganymed | Wanderers Nachtlied | Der Wanderer | Ständchen

Brahms: 7 fantasies for piano

Finzi: I said to Love (I need not go | At Middle-Gate field | Two lips | In five-score summers | For Life I had never cared greatly | I said to Love)

Tchaikovsky: I opened my window | Ah! Once again all alone | My guardian, my angel, my friend | A tear hangs there | Don Juan's serenade

2008 Summer Song

25 May 2008 | 3:00am

2008 Summer of Song

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