Works by Schumann, Quilter & Barber. World premieres of Rorem & Hough.

21 October 2010, 7:00pm - 8:00pm

7pm (free) - Artist converation with members of the Prince Consort

The Prince Consort:

Anna Leese - soprano

Jennifer Johnston - mezzo-soprano

Andrew Staples - tenor

Jacques Imbrailo - baritone

Alisdair Hogarth - piano

Schumann's two Spanish-influenced works for four voices in various combinations are among his finest writing, yet are rarely heard due to the forces required. They are ideally suited to the artists of the Prince Consort, who also give two world premières tonight, one by the phenomenal pianist, composer and polymath Stephen Hough and one by leading American composer Ned Rorem, the latter co-comissioned by the Prince Consort and Oxford Lieder.



Robert Schumann

Spanisches Liederspiel, Op. 74

i. Erste Begegnung
ii. Intermezzo
iii. Liebesgram
iv. In der Nacht
v. Es ist verraten
vi. Melancholie
vii. Geständnis
viii. Botschaft
ix. Ich bin geliebt
x. Der Contrabandiste

Ned Rorem

Sonnet 147 (Shakespeare); "My Love is as a Fever"

WORLD PREMIERE, co-commissioned by Oxford Lieder & The Prince Consort


Roger Quilter

Four part-songs for women's voices


Samuel Barber

Sure on this shining night
Jesus Christ!




Stephen Hough




Robert Schumann

Spanisiche Liebeslieder, Op. 138

i. Vorspiel
ii. Tief im Herzen trag ich Pein
iii. O wie lieblich ist das Mädchen
iv. Bedeckt mich mit Blumen
v. Flutenreicher Ebro
vi. Intermezzo
vii. Weh, wie zornig ist das Mädchen
viii. Hoch, hoch sind die Berge
ix. Blaue Augen hat das Mädchen
x. Dunkler Lichtglanz, blinder Blick

2010 brochure

15 October 2010 | 9:00am

2010 Festival

Previous Event
Lunch with Schumann II (RNCM)
21 October 2010, 12:10pm - 1:00pm
Next Event
Lunch with Schumann III
22 October 2010, 12:10pm - 1:00pm

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