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Text & Translation

1. Sonnenuntergang
German source: Friedrich Hölderlin

Wo bist du? Trunken dämmert die Seele mir
Von all deiner Wonne; denn eben ist's,
Daß ich gelauscht, wie goldner Töne
Voll der entzückende Sonnenjüngling

Sein Abendlied auf himmlischer Leier spielt';
Es tönten rings die Wälder und Hügel nach.
Doch fern ist er zu frommen Völkern,
Die ihn noch ehren, hinweggegangen.

English translation © John H. Campbell

Where are you? Where are you? Drunkenly, my soul awakens
from all your pleasures, I harken now,
to the golden sounds
as the enchanting sunbathed-boy

plays his evening-song on the heavenly lyre.
His song rings through the tinted hills and forests,
though he is far away from the good folk,
who still honor him in his absence.

Translation © by John H. Campbell, reprinted with permission from the LiederNet Archive

1. Sonnenuntergang
German source: Friedrich Hölderlin

English source: John H. Campbell

Wo bist du? Trunken dämmert die Seele mir
Where are you? Where are you? Drunkenly, my soul awakens
Von all deiner Wonne; denn eben ist's,
from all your pleasures, I harken now,
Daß ich gelauscht, wie goldner Töne
to the golden sounds
Voll der entzückende Sonnenjüngling
as the enchanting sunbathed-boy

Sein Abendlied auf himmlischer Leier spielt';
Es tönten rings die Wälder und Hügel nach.
Doch fern ist er zu frommen Völkern,
Die ihn noch ehren, hinweggegangen.


Viktor Ullmann

Viktor Ullmann was a Silesian-born Austrian composer, conductor and pianist.


Friedrich Hölderlin

Johann Christian Friedrich Hölderlin (20 March 1770 – 7 June 1843) was a German poet and philosopher. Described by Norbert von Hellingrath as "the most German of Germans", Hölderlin was a key figure of German Romanticism. Particularly due to his…

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