
Armastus ('Love')

by Veljo Tormis From Nukrad Viivud (Sorrowful Moments) (1958)

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Armastus ('Love')
Estonian source: Minni Nurme

Suurt armastust väärivad vähed,
Täit usaldust vähemgi veel
Need üksikud siiski kui tähed,
Mis valguseks ränduri teel.

English translation © Kai Rüütel

Great love is deserved by few,
Complete trust by fewer still
Yet those few are like stars,
That light the traveller’s way.

Armastus ('Love')
Estonian source: Minni Nurme

English source: Kai Rüütel

Suurt armastust väärivad vähed,
Great love is deserved by few,
Täit usaldust vähemgi veel
Complete trust by fewer still
Need üksikud siiski kui tähed,
Yet those few are like stars,
Mis valguseks ränduri teel.
That light the traveller’s way.


Veljo Tormis

Veljo Tormis was an Estonian composer, regarded as one of the most important composers of the 20th century in Estonia.

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