

by Franz Schubert

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Text & Translation

German source: Johann Mayrhofer

Verbirg dich, Sonne,
Denn die Gluten der Wonne
Versengen mein Gebein;
Verstummet, Töne,
Frühlings Schöne
Flüchte dich und lass mich allein!

Quillen doch aus allen Falten
Meiner Seele liebliche Gewalten,
Die mich umschlingen,
Himmlisch singen.
Geh unter, Welt, und störe
Nimmer die süssen, ätherischen Chöre.

English translation © Richard Wigmore

Hide yourself, sun,
for the fires of rapture
burn through my whole being.
Be silent, sounds;
spring beauty,
flee, and let me be alone!

From every recess of my soul
gentle powers well up
and envelop me
with celestial song.
Dissolve, world, and never more
disturb the sweet ethereal choirs.

Translations by Richard Wigmore first published by Gollancz and reprinted in the Hyperion Schubert Song Edition

German source: Johann Mayrhofer

English source: Richard Wigmore

Verbirg dich, Sonne,
Hide yourself, sun,
Denn die Gluten der Wonne
for the fires of rapture
Versengen mein Gebein;
burn through my whole being.
Verstummet, Töne,
Be silent, sounds;
Frühlings Schöne
spring beauty,
Flüchte dich und lass mich allein!
flee, and let me be alone!

Quillen doch aus allen Falten
From every recess of my soul
Meiner Seele liebliche Gewalten,
gentle powers well up
Die mich umschlingen,
and envelop me
Himmlisch singen.
with celestial song.
Geh unter, Welt, und störe
Dissolve, world, and never more
Nimmer die süssen, ätherischen Chöre.
disturb the sweet ethereal choirs.


Franz Schubert

Franz Peter Schubert was an late Classical and early Romantic composer. He produced a vast oeuvre during his short life, composing more the 600 vocal works (largely Lieder), and well as several symphonies, operas, and a large body of piano music. He…


Johann Mayrhofer

Johann Baptist Mayrhofer , was an Austrian poet and librettist. He is best known for his close friendship with the composer Franz Schubert. Mayrhofer was born in Steyr, educated and Novitiate in St. Florian's Priory Upper Austria. In 1810 he began…

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