
C'est mon ami

by Marie Antoinette, Queen of France

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C'est mon ami
French source: Jean-Pierre Claris de Florian

Ah! s'il est dans votre village
Un berger sensible et charmant
Qu'on chérisse au premier moment
Qu'on aime ensuite d'avantage.

C'est mon ami,
rendez le moi;
J'ai son amour,
il a ma foi!

Si par sa voix tendre et plaintive
Il charme l'écho de vos bois,
Si les accents de son hautbois,
Rendent la bergère pensive

C'est encore lui:
rendez le moi.
J'ai son amour,
il a ma foi.

Si même n'osant rien vous dire
Son regard sait vous attendrir ;
Si sans jamais faire rougir,
Sa gaieté fait toujours sourire,

C'est encore lui,
rendez le moi,
J'ai son amour,
il a ma foi.

Si passant près de sa chaumière,
Un pauvre en voyant son troupeau,
Ose demander un agneau
Et obtienne en plus sa mère,

C'est encore lui:
rendez le moi;
J'ai son amour,
il a ma foi.

That's my friend
English translation © Katherine Astbury

Oh, if there is in your village
A shepherd who is sensitive and charming
Whom everyone cherishes from the first moment
And loves even more thereafter

That’s my friend
Give him back to me
I have his love
He has my word.

If with his gentle and plaintive voice
He charms the echo of your woods
If the accents of his oboe
Make shephardesses pensive

That’s my friend
Give him back to me
I have his love
He has my word.

If even without daring to say a word
His glance alone softens you
If without ever making you blush
His jollity always makes you smile

That’s my friend
Give him back to me
I have his love
He has my word.

If when passing by his hut
A poor man on seeing his flock
Dares to ask for a lamb
And is given the mother as well

Oh, that’s definitely him
Give him back to me
I have his love
He has my word.

C'est mon ami
French source: Jean-Pierre Claris de Florian

That's my friend
English source: Katherine Astbury

Ah! s'il est dans votre village
Oh, if there is in your village
Un berger sensible et charmant
A shepherd who is sensitive and charming
Qu'on chérisse au premier moment
Whom everyone cherishes from the first moment
Qu'on aime ensuite d'avantage.
And loves even more thereafter

C'est mon ami,
That’s my friend
rendez le moi;
Give him back to me
J'ai son amour,
I have his love
il a ma foi!
He has my word.

Si par sa voix tendre et plaintive
If with his gentle and plaintive voice
Il charme l'écho de vos bois,
He charms the echo of your woods
Si les accents de son hautbois,
If the accents of his oboe
Rendent la bergère pensive
Make shephardesses pensive

C'est encore lui:
That’s my friend
rendez le moi.
Give him back to me
J'ai son amour,
I have his love
il a ma foi.
He has my word.

Si même n'osant rien vous dire
If even without daring to say a word
Son regard sait vous attendrir ;
His glance alone softens you
Si sans jamais faire rougir,
If without ever making you blush
Sa gaieté fait toujours sourire,
His jollity always makes you smile

C'est encore lui,
That’s my friend
rendez le moi,
Give him back to me
J'ai son amour,
I have his love
il a ma foi.
He has my word.

Si passant près de sa chaumière,
If when passing by his hut
Un pauvre en voyant son troupeau,
A poor man on seeing his flock
Ose demander un agneau
Dares to ask for a lamb
Et obtienne en plus sa mère,
And is given the mother as well

C'est encore lui:
Oh, that’s definitely him
rendez le moi;
Give him back to me
J'ai son amour,
I have his love
il a ma foi.
He has my word.

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