
Dame, se vous n’avez aperceu (Rondeau: from 'Le Voir Dit')

by Guillaume de Machaut

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Dame, se vous n’avez aperceu (Rondeau: from 'Le Voir Dit')

Dame, se vous n’avez aperceu
Que je vous aim de cuer sans decevoir,
Essaiés le si le sarez de voir.

Vo grant biauté m’aroit trop deceu
Et vo douceur, qui trop me font doloir.

Dame, se vous n’avez aperceu
Que je vous aim de cuer sans decevoir.

Car mon cuer ont si tres fort esmeu
A vous amer que ne puis concevoir
Que jamais bien doie ne joie avoir.

Dame, se vous n’avez aperceu
Que je vous aim de cuer sans decevoir,
Essaiez le si le sarez de voir.

Lady, if you haven't noticed I love you
English translation © R. Barton Palmer

Lady, if you haven’t noticed
I love you from the heart without deception,
Test me and you’ll see it’s true.

Your great beauty would have quite deceived me,
And your sweetness too, which pains me greatly.

Lady, if you haven’t noticed
I love you from the heart without deception.

For these two have so very strongly moved my heart
To love you that I cannot imagine
That I’ll ever find joy or benefit.

Lady, if you haven’t noticed
I love you from the heart without deception,
Test me and you’ll see it’s true.

Dame, se vous n’avez aperceu (Rondeau: from 'Le Voir Dit')

Lady, if you haven't noticed I love you
English source: R. Barton Palmer

Dame, se vous n’avez aperceu
Lady, if you haven’t noticed
Que je vous aim de cuer sans decevoir,
I love you from the heart without deception,
Essaiés le si le sarez de voir.
Test me and you’ll see it’s true.

Vo grant biauté m’aroit trop deceu
Your great beauty would have quite deceived me,
Et vo douceur, qui trop me font doloir.
And your sweetness too, which pains me greatly.

Dame, se vous n’avez aperceu
Lady, if you haven’t noticed
Que je vous aim de cuer sans decevoir.
I love you from the heart without deception.

Car mon cuer ont si tres fort esmeu
For these two have so very strongly moved my heart
A vous amer que ne puis concevoir
To love you that I cannot imagine
Que jamais bien doie ne joie avoir.
That I’ll ever find joy or benefit.

Dame, se vous n’avez aperceu
Lady, if you haven’t noticed
Que je vous aim de cuer sans decevoir,
I love you from the heart without deception,
Essaiez le si le sarez de voir.
Test me and you’ll see it’s true.


Guillaume de Machaut

Guillaume de Machaut is presumed to have been born around the year 1300; the first surviving documentary evidence from 1330 lists him as a ‘clerk’ in the household of John of Bohemia and suggests that he had been in service since 1323. Machaut was…


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