
Ei ole roose õitsenud minule ('No roses have bloomed for me')

by Veljo Tormis From Nukrad Viivud (Sorrowful Moments) (1958)

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Ei ole roose õitsenud minule ('No roses have bloomed for me')
Estonian source: Minni Nurme

Ei ole roose õitsenud minule,
Kuigi neid ootasin südamevärinal,
Kuigi kõik maailmas kinkisin sinule,
Teised mu teenitud roosid sult pärivad.

Kibuvits üksi on kasvand mu rajale,
Lihtsatel lehtedel kastevee pisarad,
Kümnele külmale, sajule sajale vastu ta pannud
Ja õide lööb visana.

No roses have bloomed for me
English translation © Kai Rüütel

No roses have bloomed for me,
Though I awaited them with trembling heart,
Though everything in the world I gave to you,
Others receive from you my well-earned roses.

A rosehip alone has grown on my path,
On simple leaves the tears of dew,
Ten frosts, a hundred rains it has endured
And turns to bloom persistently.

Ei ole roose õitsenud minule ('No roses have bloomed for me')
Estonian source: Minni Nurme

No roses have bloomed for me
English source: Kai Rüütel

Ei ole roose õitsenud minule,
No roses have bloomed for me,
Kuigi neid ootasin südamevärinal,
Though I awaited them with trembling heart,
Kuigi kõik maailmas kinkisin sinule,
Though everything in the world I gave to you,
Teised mu teenitud roosid sult pärivad.
Others receive from you my well-earned roses.

Kibuvits üksi on kasvand mu rajale,
A rosehip alone has grown on my path,
Lihtsatel lehtedel kastevee pisarad,
On simple leaves the tears of dew,
Kümnele külmale, sajule sajale vastu ta pannud
Ten frosts, a hundred rains it has endured
Ja õide lööb visana.
And turns to bloom persistently.


Veljo Tormis

Veljo Tormis was an Estonian composer, regarded as one of the most important composers of the 20th century in Estonia.

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