
Fair Cloe my breast so alarms

by Henry Purcell

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Fair Cloe my breast so alarms
English source: John Glanvill

Fair Cloe my Breast so alarms,
From her Pow'r I no Refuge can find;
If another I take in my Arms,
Yet my Cloe is then in my mind.
Unblest with the Joy, still a Pleasure I want,
Which none but my Cloe can grant.
Let Cloe but smile, I grow gay,
And I feel my Heart spring with Delight;
On Cloe I cou'd gaze all the day,
And Cloe do wish for each night.
Oh! did Cloe but know how I love,
And the Pleasure of loving again,
My Passion her Favour would move,
And in Prudence she'd pity my Pain;
Good Nature and Int'rest should both make her kind,
For the Joy she might give, and the Joy she might find.


Henry Purcell

Henry Purcell (c. 10 September 1659 – 21 November 1695) was an English composer. It is said that he began composing at nine years old. As an adult, he became organist at Westminster Abbey, and later the Chapel Royal. Information from Wikipedia. For…


John Glanvill

John Glanvill (1664 - 1735) was an English barrister, known as a poet and translator.


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