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I know my mind
English source:
Edna St. Vincent Millay
I know my mind and I have made my choice;
Not from your temper does my doom depend;
Love me or love me not, you have no voice
In this, which is my portion to the end.
Your presence and your favours, the full part
That you could give, you now can take away:
What lies between your beauty and my heart
Not even you can trouble or betray.
Mistake me not — unto my inmost core
I do desire your kiss upon my mouth;
They have not craved a cup of water more
That bleach upon the deserts of the south;
Here might you bless me; what you cannot do
Is bow me down, who have been loved by you.
Not from your temper does my doom depend;
Love me or love me not, you have no voice
In this, which is my portion to the end.
Your presence and your favours, the full part
That you could give, you now can take away:
What lies between your beauty and my heart
Not even you can trouble or betray.
Mistake me not — unto my inmost core
I do desire your kiss upon my mouth;
They have not craved a cup of water more
That bleach upon the deserts of the south;
Here might you bless me; what you cannot do
Is bow me down, who have been loved by you.
Margaret Bonds
Margaret Bonds (1913-1972) was born in Chicago to a prominent and creative family; her mother Estella was highly musical, moving in cultivated artistic circles within the black community. She was lifelong friends with Langston Hughes, who wrote the…
Previously performed at:
- Despite and still 24 Oct 2024
- Song at Wolfson: Ella Taylor 02 May 2024