
In Questa Tomba Oscura

by Ludwig van Beethoven

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Text & Translation

In Questa Tomba Oscura
Italian source: Giuseppe Carpani

In questa tomba oscura
Lasciami riposar;
Quando vivevo, ingrata,
Dovevi a me pensar.

Lascia che l’ombre ignude
Godansi pace almen
E non, e non bagnar mie ceneri
D’inutile velen.

In this dark tomb
English translation © Emily Ezust

In this dark tomb
let me lie;
you should have thought of me
when I was alive, you ingrate.

At least leave naked spectres
to enjoy their peace
And do not bathe my ashes
with futile venom.

Translation © by Emily Ezust, reprinted with permission from the LiederNet Archive

In Questa Tomba Oscura
Italian source: Giuseppe Carpani

In this dark tomb
English source: Emily Ezust

In questa tomba oscura
In this dark tomb
Lasciami riposar;
let me lie;
Quando vivevo, ingrata,
you should have thought of me
Dovevi a me pensar.
when I was alive, you ingrate.

Lascia che l’ombre ignude
At least leave naked spectres
Godansi pace almen
to enjoy their peace
E non, e non bagnar mie ceneri
And do not bathe my ashes
D’inutile velen.
with futile venom.


Ludwig van Beethoven

Ludwig van Beethoven (baptised 17 December 1770 – 26 March 1827) was a German composer and pianist. A crucial figure in the transition between the classical and romantic eras in classical music, he remains one of the most recognized and influential…


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