
Le Souvenir de Mnasidica

by Claude Debussy From Musique de scène pour les Chansons de Bilitis (1901)

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Le Souvenir de Mnasidica
French source: Pierre Louÿs

Elles dansaient l'une devant l'autre, d'un
mouvement rapide et fuyant; elles semblaient
toujours vouloir s'enlacer, et pourtant ne se
touchaient point, si ce n'est du bout des lèvres.
Quand elles tournaient le dos en dansant, elles
se regardaient, la tête sur l'épaule, et la sueur
brillait sous leurs bras levés, et leurs
chevelures fines passaient devant leurs seins.
La langueur de leurs yeux, le feu de leurs
joues, la gravité de leurs visages, étaient trois
chansons ardentes. Elles se frôlaient
furtivement, elles pliaient leurs corps sur les
Et tout à coup, elles sont tombées, pour
achever à terre la danse molle... Souvenir de
Mnasidika, c'est alors que tu m'apparus, et tout,
hors ta chère image, me fut importun.

The Memory of Mnasidika
English translation © Carmella Cao

They dance one in front of another, with rapid
and elusive movements; they seemed always
desiring to embrace and yet not touching at all,
unless with the tips of their lips.
When they turned their backs in dancing, they
looked at each other, the head on the shoulder,
and the glistening perspiration under their
raised arms, and their fine hair passing before
their breasts.
The languor of their eyes, the fire of their
cheeks, the solemnity of their faces, were three
ardent songs. They furtively brushed against
each other, they bent their bodies at their hips.
Suddenly, they fell, to finish the soft dance on
the ground…Memory of Mnasidika, it is while
you appeared to me, and all, except your dear
image, troubled me.

Le Souvenir de Mnasidica
French source: Pierre Louÿs

The Memory of Mnasidika
English source: Carmella Cao

Elles dansaient l'une devant l'autre, d'un
They dance one in front of another, with rapid
mouvement rapide et fuyant; elles semblaient
and elusive movements; they seemed always
toujours vouloir s'enlacer, et pourtant ne se
desiring to embrace and yet not touching at all,
touchaient point, si ce n'est du bout des lèvres.
unless with the tips of their lips.
Quand elles tournaient le dos en dansant, elles
When they turned their backs in dancing, they
se regardaient, la tête sur l'épaule, et la sueur
looked at each other, the head on the shoulder,
brillait sous leurs bras levés, et leurs
and the glistening perspiration under their
chevelures fines passaient devant leurs seins.
raised arms, and their fine hair passing before
La langueur de leurs yeux, le feu de leurs
their breasts.
joues, la gravité de leurs visages, étaient trois
The languor of their eyes, the fire of their
chansons ardentes. Elles se frôlaient
cheeks, the solemnity of their faces, were three
furtivement, elles pliaient leurs corps sur les
ardent songs. They furtively brushed against
each other, they bent their bodies at their hips.
Et tout à coup, elles sont tombées, pour
Suddenly, they fell, to finish the soft dance on
achever à terre la danse molle... Souvenir de
the ground…Memory of Mnasidika, it is while
Mnasidika, c'est alors que tu m'apparus, et tout,
you appeared to me, and all, except your dear
hors ta chère image, me fut importun.
image, troubled me.


Claude Debussy

(Achille) Claude Debussy was a French composer. He is sometimes seen as the first Impressionist composer, although he vigorously rejected the term. He was among the most influential composers of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Please click…


Pierre Louÿs

Pierre Louÿs was a French poet and writer, best known for his classical themes and sensual style. Read more here.

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