
Les Courtesanes égyptiennes

by Claude Debussy From Musique de scène pour les Chansons de Bilitis (1901)

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Les Courtesanes égyptiennes
French source: Pierre Louÿs

Je suis allée avec Plangon chez les courtisanes
égyptiennes, tout en haut de la vieille ville.
Elles ont des amphores de terre, des plateaux
de cuivre et des nattes jaunes où elles
s'accroupissent sans effort.
Leurs chambres sont silencieuses, sans angles
et sans encoignures, tant les couches
successives de chaux bleue ont émoussé les
chapiteaux et arrondi le pied des murs.
Elles se tiennent immobiles, les mains posées
sur les genoux. Quand elles offrent la bouillie
elles murmurent: « Bonheur. » Et quand on les
remercie, elles disent: « Grâce à toi. »
Elles comprennent le hellène et feignent de le
parler mal pour se rire de nous dans leur
langue; mais nous, dent pour dent, nous
parlons lydien et elles s'inquiètent tout à coup.

The Egyptian Courtesans
English translation © Carmella Cao

I went with Plangon to the home of the
Egyptian courtesans, above the old city. They
have vases of clay, plates of copper and yellow
mats where they squat without effort.
Their rooms are quiet, without angles and
without corners, so much the successive layers
of blue lime have dulled the pillars and
rounded the feet of the walls.
They stay motionless, their hands resting on
their knees. When they offer the porridge they
murmur “happiness” and when we thank them
they say “Thanks to you.”
They understand Hellenic, and feign to speak it
poorly, so as to laugh at us in their own
language; but as for us, word for word, we
speak Lydian and they are suddenly worried.

Les Courtesanes égyptiennes
French source: Pierre Louÿs

The Egyptian Courtesans
English source: Carmella Cao

Je suis allée avec Plangon chez les courtisanes
I went with Plangon to the home of the
égyptiennes, tout en haut de la vieille ville.
Egyptian courtesans, above the old city. They
Elles ont des amphores de terre, des plateaux
have vases of clay, plates of copper and yellow
de cuivre et des nattes jaunes où elles
mats where they squat without effort.
s'accroupissent sans effort.
Their rooms are quiet, without angles and
Leurs chambres sont silencieuses, sans angles
without corners, so much the successive layers
et sans encoignures, tant les couches
of blue lime have dulled the pillars and
successives de chaux bleue ont émoussé les
rounded the feet of the walls.
chapiteaux et arrondi le pied des murs.
They stay motionless, their hands resting on
Elles se tiennent immobiles, les mains posées
their knees. When they offer the porridge they
sur les genoux. Quand elles offrent la bouillie
murmur “happiness” and when we thank them
elles murmurent: « Bonheur. » Et quand on les
they say “Thanks to you.”
remercie, elles disent: « Grâce à toi. »
They understand Hellenic, and feign to speak it
Elles comprennent le hellène et feignent de le
poorly, so as to laugh at us in their own
parler mal pour se rire de nous dans leur
language; but as for us, word for word, we
langue; mais nous, dent pour dent, nous
speak Lydian and they are suddenly worried.
parlons lydien et elles s'inquiètent tout à coup.


Claude Debussy

(Achille) Claude Debussy was a French composer. He is sometimes seen as the first Impressionist composer, although he vigorously rejected the term. He was among the most influential composers of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Please click…


Pierre Louÿs

Pierre Louÿs was a French poet and writer, best known for his classical themes and sensual style. Read more here.

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