
Long Time Ago

by Aaron Copland

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Click here to listen to a performance of this song at the Oxford Lieder Young Artist Platform 2017, and here from 2018.
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Long Time Ago
English source: Traditional

On the lake where droop'd the willow
Long time ago,
Where the rock threw back the billow
Brighter than snow.
Dwelt a maid beloved and cherish'd
By high and low,
But with autumn leaf she perished
Long time ago.
Rock and tree and flowing water
Long time ago,
Bird and bee and blossom taught her
Love's spell to know.
While to my fond words she listen'd
Murmuring low,
Tenderly her blue eyes glisten'd
Long time ago.


Aaron Copland

Aaron Copland was an American composer, composition teacher, writer, and conductor. Read more here.




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