

by Johannes Brahms

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Text & Translation

German source: Christian Reinhold

O Nachtigall,
Dein süßer Schall,
Er dringet mir durch Mark und Bein.
Nein, trauter Vogel, nein!
Was in mir schafft so süße Pein,
Das ist nicht dein,—
Das ist von andern, himmelschönen,
Nun längst für mich verklungenen Tönen,
In deinem Lied ein leiser Widerhall.

English translation © Richard Stokes

O nightingale,
your sweet voice
pierces me to the marrow.
No, dear bird, no!
What causes me such sweet pain
is not your notes,
but others, of heavenly beauty,
long since vanished for me,
a gentle echo in your song.

German source: Christian Reinhold

English source: Richard Stokes

O Nachtigall,
O nightingale,
Dein süßer Schall,
your sweet voice
Er dringet mir durch Mark und Bein.
pierces me to the marrow.
Nein, trauter Vogel, nein!
No, dear bird, no!
Was in mir schafft so süße Pein,
What causes me such sweet pain
Das ist nicht dein,—
is not your notes,
Das ist von andern, himmelschönen,
but others, of heavenly beauty,
Nun längst für mich verklungenen Tönen,
long since vanished for me,
In deinem Lied ein leiser Widerhall.
a gentle echo in your song.


Johannes Brahms

Johannes Brahms (7 May 1833 – 3 April 1897) was a German composer, pianist, and conductor of the Romantic period. Born in Hamburg into a Lutheran family, Brahms spent much of his professional life in Vienna.  Brahms has been considered, by his…

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