
Ninetta from La gazza ladra (Di piacer mi balza il cor)

by Gioachino Rossini

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Ninetta from La gazza ladra (Di piacer mi balza il cor)
Italian source: Giovanni Gherardini

Di piacer mi balza il cor;
ah, bramar di più non so:
e l’amante e il genitor
finalmente io rivedrò.
L’uno al sen mi stringerà;
l’altro, l’altro... Ah, che farà?
Dio d’amor, confido in te;
deh tu premia la mia fé!
Tutto sorridere
mi veggo intorno;
più lieto giorno
brillar non può.
Ah, già dimentico
i miei tormenti:
quanti contenti
alfin godrò!

Ninetta from The Thieving Magpie (My heart leaps with pleasure)
English translation © Jennifer Rushworth

My heart leaps with pleasure;
ah, I cannot desire more:
and I will finally see again
my lover and my father.
One of them will clasp me to their breast;
the other, the other… Oh, what will he do?
God of love, I trust in you;
oh, will you reward my faith!
I see everything
around me smile;
a happier day
cannot shine.
Oh, I am already forgetting
my torments:
how much happiness
will I enjoy in the end!

Ninetta from La gazza ladra (Di piacer mi balza il cor)
Italian source: Giovanni Gherardini

Ninetta from The Thieving Magpie (My heart leaps with pleasure)
English source: Jennifer Rushworth

Di piacer mi balza il cor;
My heart leaps with pleasure;
ah, bramar di più non so:
ah, I cannot desire more:
e l’amante e il genitor
and I will finally see again
finalmente io rivedrò.
my lover and my father.
L’uno al sen mi stringerà;
One of them will clasp me to their breast;
l’altro, l’altro... Ah, che farà?
the other, the other… Oh, what will he do?
Dio d’amor, confido in te;
God of love, I trust in you;
deh tu premia la mia fé!
oh, will you reward my faith!
Tutto sorridere
I see everything
mi veggo intorno;
around me smile;
più lieto giorno
a happier day
brillar non può.
cannot shine.
Ah, già dimentico
Oh, I am already forgetting
i miei tormenti:
my torments:
quanti contenti
how much happiness
alfin godrò!
will I enjoy in the end!


Gioachino Rossini

Gioachino Antonio Rossini was an Italian composer, who was know for his 39 operas, as well as his songs, chamber music, and piano pieces. Despite setting new standards for opera, he gave up large-scale composition in his thirties, focusing instead…

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