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O sweet woods
English source:
Sir Philip Sidney
Oh sweet woods! The delight of solitariness,
Oh, how I like your solitariness.
From fame’s desire, from love’s delight retired,
In those still groves a hermit’s life I led,
And those false pleasures which I once admired,
With sad remembrance of my fall, I dread.
To birds, to trees, to earth impart I this,
For she less secret and as senseless is.
Oh, how I like your solitariness.
From fame’s desire, from love’s delight retired,
In those still groves a hermit’s life I led,
And those false pleasures which I once admired,
With sad remembrance of my fall, I dread.
To birds, to trees, to earth impart I this,
For she less secret and as senseless is.