
Pastoral song (My mother bids me bind my hair) - Hob XXVIa:27

by Joseph Haydn

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This song was recorded live in The Jacqueline du Pré Music Building, St Hilda’s College as part of the Oxford Lieder Festival in 2006.
Click here to listen to this song performed by Sophie Daneman and Julius Drake.


Pastoral song (My mother bids me bind my hair) - Hob XXVIa:27
English source: Anne Hunter

My mother bids me bind my hair
With bands of rosy hue,
Tie up my sleeves with ribbons rare,
And lace my bodice blue.

For why, she cries, sit still and weep,
While others dance and play?
Alas! I scarce can go or creep,
While Lubin is away.

’Tis sad to think the days are gone,
When those we love were near;
I sit upon this mossy stone,
And sigh when none can hear.

And while I spin my flaxen thread,
And sing my simple lay,
The village seems asleep, or dead,
Now Lubin is away.


Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn was an Austrian composer of the Classical period. He was a friend and mentor of Mozart, and tutor of Beethoven. Read more here.

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