

by Franz Schubert

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German source: Johann Mayrhofer

Da sitz ich ohne Bogen und starre in den Sand.
Was tat ich dir Ulysses, dass du sie mir entsandt?
Die Waffe, die den Trojern des Todes Bote war,
Die auf der wüsten Insel mir Unterhalt gebar.

Es rauschen Vögelschwärme mir über’m greisen Haupt;
Ich greife nach dem Bogen, umsonst, er ist geraubt!
Aus dichtem Busche raschelt der braune Hirsch hervor:
Ich strecke leere Arme zur Nemesis empor.

Du schlauer König, scheue der Göttin Rächerblick!
Erbarme dich und stelle den Bogen mir zurück.

English translation © Richard Wigmore

I sit here without my bow, staring at the sand.
What did I do to you, Ulysses, that you took from me the weapon that was the harbinger of death to the Trojans,
that gave me sustenance on this desolate island?

Flocks of birds sweep over my grey head;
I reach for my bow: in vain, it has been stolen.
The brown stag rushes from the dense thicket;
I stretch bare arms up to Nemesis.

Cunning king, beware the vengeful goddess’s gaze!
Take pity and restore to me my bow.

German source: Johann Mayrhofer

English source: Richard Wigmore

Da sitz ich ohne Bogen und starre in den Sand.
I sit here without my bow, staring at the sand.
Was tat ich dir Ulysses, dass du sie mir entsandt?
What did I do to you, Ulysses, that you took from me the weapon that was the harbinger of death to the Trojans,
Die Waffe, die den Trojern des Todes Bote war,
that gave me sustenance on this desolate island?
Die auf der wüsten Insel mir Unterhalt gebar.

Es rauschen Vögelschwärme mir über’m greisen Haupt;
Flocks of birds sweep over my grey head;
Ich greife nach dem Bogen, umsonst, er ist geraubt!
I reach for my bow: in vain, it has been stolen.
Aus dichtem Busche raschelt der braune Hirsch hervor:
The brown stag rushes from the dense thicket;
Ich strecke leere Arme zur Nemesis empor.
I stretch bare arms up to Nemesis.

Du schlauer König, scheue der Göttin Rächerblick!
Cunning king, beware the vengeful goddess’s gaze!
Erbarme dich und stelle den Bogen mir zurück.
Take pity and restore to me my bow.


Franz Schubert

Franz Peter Schubert was an late Classical and early Romantic composer. He produced a vast oeuvre during his short life, composing more the 600 vocal works (largely Lieder), and well as several symphonies, operas, and a large body of piano music. He…


Johann Mayrhofer

Johann Baptist Mayrhofer , was an Austrian poet and librettist. He is best known for his close friendship with the composer Franz Schubert. Mayrhofer was born in Steyr, educated and Novitiate in St. Florian's Priory Upper Austria. In 1810 he began…


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