
Päike paistis, kaste hiilgas ('The sun was shining, the dew gleamed')

by Ester Mägi From Kolm laulu Betti Alveri luulele (3 songs on poems by Betti Alver) (1981)

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Päike paistis, kaste hiilgas ('The sun was shining, the dew gleamed')
Estonian source: Betti Alver

Päike paistis, kaste hiilgas,
Vidutas vihma veidike,
Pojuke mängis memme põlvel
Seljas titekleidike

Juba need julged jõngerjalad
Jooksid joovika rabani.
Tuli rätsep, õmbles riided,
Nikerdas nööpaugud nabani.

Oli see hunt, kes äkki huikas,
Tusar tihniku asukas?

Nooruk sõitis laia laande karuses killakasukas.
Kihas taplus, loitsid leegid,
Suitsesid sõjakerised,
Mehepoeg vaarus,
Vaarus keset välja
vammused veidi verised.

Memmele jäid tühjad nurgad,
Taadile hobuste talitus,
Pojuke viidi kabelimäele
Puhkama puust palitus.

The Sun was shining, the dew gleamed
English translation © Kai Rüütel

The Sun was shining, the dew gleamed,
Sprinkling rain a little bit,
Little boy played on mamma’s knee
Wearing a baby’s dress

Already those brave little feet
Ran to the cranberry marsh.
Came the tailor, sewed clothes,
Crafted buttonholes to the navel.

Was it a wolf that suddenly howled,
Grumpy thicket dweller?

The youth travelled into the wide world in a furry coat
Teeming was the battle, Raging were the fires,
Smoking were the hearths of war,
The youth staggered,
staggered in the middle of the field
His doublet bloody.

To mamma were left empty corners,
To papa, tending to the horses,
The son was taken to the chapel hill
To rest in a wooden coat.

Päike paistis, kaste hiilgas ('The sun was shining, the dew gleamed')
Estonian source: Betti Alver

The Sun was shining, the dew gleamed
English source: Kai Rüütel

Päike paistis, kaste hiilgas,
The Sun was shining, the dew gleamed,
Vidutas vihma veidike,
Sprinkling rain a little bit,
Pojuke mängis memme põlvel
Little boy played on mamma’s knee
Seljas titekleidike
Wearing a baby’s dress

Juba need julged jõngerjalad
Already those brave little feet
Jooksid joovika rabani.
Ran to the cranberry marsh.
Tuli rätsep, õmbles riided,
Came the tailor, sewed clothes,
Nikerdas nööpaugud nabani.
Crafted buttonholes to the navel.

Oli see hunt, kes äkki huikas,
Was it a wolf that suddenly howled,
Tusar tihniku asukas?
Grumpy thicket dweller?

Nooruk sõitis laia laande karuses killakasukas.
The youth travelled into the wide world in a furry coat
Kihas taplus, loitsid leegid,
Teeming was the battle, Raging were the fires,
Suitsesid sõjakerised,
Smoking were the hearths of war,
Mehepoeg vaarus,
The youth staggered,
Vaarus keset välja
staggered in the middle of the field
vammused veidi verised.
His doublet bloody.

Memmele jäid tühjad nurgad,
To mamma were left empty corners,
Taadile hobuste talitus,
To papa, tending to the horses,
Pojuke viidi kabelimäele
The son was taken to the chapel hill
Puhkama puust palitus.
To rest in a wooden coat.


Ester Mägi

Ester Mägi is an Estonian composer, widely regarded as the First Lady of Estonian Music.


Betti Alver

Elisabet "Betti" Alver was one of Estonia's most notable poets. 

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