
Rien de la nature (arr. Schubert)

by Christoph Willibald Gluck

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Text & Translation

Rien de la nature (arr. Schubert)
French source: Tschudi, Baron de

Rien de la nature n’échappe à mes traits;
ni le guerrier, couvert de son armure,
ni le chasseur léger qui fuit dans les forêts.

Nothing in all nature
English translation © Richard Wigmore

Nothing in all nature escapes my arrows:
not the warrior, clad in armour, nor the
fleet-footed huntsman darting through the forests.

Rien de la nature (arr. Schubert)
French source: Tschudi, Baron de

Nothing in all nature
English source: Richard Wigmore

Rien de la nature n’échappe à mes traits;
Nothing in all nature escapes my arrows:
ni le guerrier, couvert de son armure,
not the warrior, clad in armour, nor the
ni le chasseur léger qui fuit dans les forêts.
fleet-footed huntsman darting through the forests.


Tschudi, Baron de

Jean-Baptiste-Louis-Théodore de Tschudi, or Tschudy was a French botanist and poet. Born in Metz, he wrote the libretto for Gluck's opera Echo et Narcisse and with François-Louis Gand Le Bland Du Roullet co-wrote the libretto for Salieri's Les…


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