
Scots Song

by James MacMillan From Three Scottish Songs

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Scots Song
English source: William Soutar

O luely, luely, cam she in
And luely she lay doun:
I kent her be her caller lips
And her breists sae sma’ and roun’.

A’ thru the nicht we spak nae word
Nor sinder’d bane frae bane:
A’ thru the nicht I heard her hert
Gang soundin’ wi’ my ain.

It was about the waukrife hour
When cocks begin to craw
That she smool’d saftly thru the mirk
Afore the day wud daw.

Sae luely, luely, cam she in
Saie luely was she gaen;
And wi’ her a’ my simmer days
Like they had never been.

_from William Soutar's poem 'The Tryst'_


James MacMillan

Sir James Loy MacMillan, CBE (b. 1959) is a Scottish classical composer and conductor.


William Soutar

William Soutar was a Scottish poet from Perthshire.

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