
V poryve nezhnosti serdechnoy 'In moments to delight devoted'

by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov

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V poryve nezhnosti serdechnoy 'In moments to delight devoted'
Russian source: Ivan Kozlov

V poryve nezhnosti serdechnoy
Tyi zhizn' yu druga nazvala:
Privet bestsenny, yesli b vechno
Zhivaya molodost' tsvela.

K mogile vsyo letît streloyu,
I tyi, menya laskaya vnov',
Zovi ne zhizn'yu a dushoyu,
Bessmertnoy, kak moya lyubov'.

ln moments to delight devoted
English translation © George Gordon, Lord Byron

ln moments to delight devoted,
My life!' with tendrest tone, you cry;
Dear words! on which my heart had doted,
If youth couId neither fade nor die.

To death even hours like these must roll,
Ah! then repeat those accents never;
Or change 'my life!' into 'my soul!'
Which, like my love, exists for ever.

V poryve nezhnosti serdechnoy 'In moments to delight devoted'
Russian source: Ivan Kozlov

ln moments to delight devoted
English source: George Gordon, Lord Byron

V poryve nezhnosti serdechnoy
ln moments to delight devoted,
Tyi zhizn' yu druga nazvala:
My life!' with tendrest tone, you cry;
Privet bestsenny, yesli b vechno
Dear words! on which my heart had doted,
Zhivaya molodost' tsvela.
If youth couId neither fade nor die.

K mogile vsyo letît streloyu,
To death even hours like these must roll,
I tyi, menya laskaya vnov',
Ah! then repeat those accents never;
Zovi ne zhizn'yu a dushoyu,
Or change 'my life!' into 'my soul!'
Bessmertnoy, kak moya lyubov'.
Which, like my love, exists for ever.


Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov

Nikolai Andreyevich Rimsky-Korsakov was a Russian composer, best know for his orchestral compositions and his symphonic suite Scheherazade. He believed in developing a nationalistic style of classical music, and was influenced by Russian folk song…


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