
Zabyt' tak skoro, 'To forget so soon'

by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

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Text & Translation

Zabyt' tak skoro, 'To forget so soon'
Russian source: Aleksei Nikolayevich Apukhtin

Zabït tak skoro, bozhe moy,
Vsyo schastye zhizni prozhitoy!
Vse nashi vstrechi, razgovorï,
Zabït tak skoro, zabït tak skoro!
Zabït volnenya pervïkh dney,
Svidanya chas v teni vetvey!
Ochey nemïye razgovorï,
Zabït tak skoro, zabït tak skoro!

Zabït, kak polnaya luna
Na nas glyadela iz okna,
Kak kolïkhalas tikho shtora …
Zabït tak skoro, zabït tak skoro!

Zabït lyubov, zabït mechtï,
Zabït te klyatvï, pomnish tï,
V nochnuyu pasmurnuyu poru,
Zabït tak skoro, tak skoro!
Bozhe moy!

To forget so soon
English translation © Sofia Peycheva

To forget so soon, oh, God!
all the happiness we had together!
All our meetings, our talks!
To forget so soon, so soon!

To forget the excitements of our first days together,
Our meetings in the shadow of branches,
Mute talks between our eyes!
To forget so soon! So soon!

To forget how the full moon
Was looking at us through the window,
How the curtains fluttered -
To forget so soon! To forget so soon!

To forget our love, our dreams,
Our vows! Do you remember?
The ones we said during the dark and cloudy night?
To forget so soon! To forget so soon! Oh, God!

Translation © by Sofia Peycheva, reprinted with permission from the LiederNet Archive

Zabyt' tak skoro, 'To forget so soon'
Russian source: Aleksei Nikolayevich Apukhtin

To forget so soon
English source: Sofia Peycheva

Zabït tak skoro, bozhe moy,
To forget so soon, oh, God!
Vsyo schastye zhizni prozhitoy!
all the happiness we had together!
Vse nashi vstrechi, razgovorï,
All our meetings, our talks!
Zabït tak skoro, zabït tak skoro!
To forget so soon, so soon!
Zabït volnenya pervïkh dney,
Svidanya chas v teni vetvey!
Ochey nemïye razgovorï,
Zabït tak skoro, zabït tak skoro!

Zabït, kak polnaya luna
To forget the excitements of our first days together,
Na nas glyadela iz okna,
Our meetings in the shadow of branches,
Kak kolïkhalas tikho shtora …
Mute talks between our eyes!
Zabït tak skoro, zabït tak skoro!
To forget so soon! So soon!

Zabït lyubov, zabït mechtï,
To forget how the full moon
Zabït te klyatvï, pomnish tï,
Was looking at us through the window,
V nochnuyu pasmurnuyu poru,
How the curtains fluttered -
Zabït tak skoro, tak skoro!
To forget so soon! To forget so soon!
Bozhe moy!


Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky was a Russian composer of the Romantic period. His works are still among the most popular music in the classical repetoire, and he is widely acknowledged as the first Russian composer to make a lasting international…


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