Corporate Sponsorship

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Sarah Connolly and Julius Drake OLF21 Julian Guidera
© Julian Guidera

Dame Sarah Connolly and Julius Drake

We welcome commercial sponsors of the annual Oxford International Song Festival.

Founded in 2002 and internationally recognised as a major high-quality event, the Oxford International Song Festival is held over two weeks each October, drawing a cast of international stars and brilliant younger musicians. Other regular public events such as the Spring Song weekend are also held each year. We have a highly experienced team adept at developing custom-made sponsorships locally, nationally and internationally. Current or past sponsors include Freeths, Manches Solicitors, Coutts Private Banking and Panelock Systems Ltd.

Engagement is possible at several different levels, ranging from event sponsorship in Oxford, London and elsewhere, to media sponsorship, through our Learning and Participation Projects with local schools, or annual Corporate Membership for a range of benefits, visibility and advertising. The provision of goods or services instead of direct financial support as sponsorship-in-kind is also welcome and valuable to our success.

If you would like an outline of the benefits of sponsoring Oxford International Song Festival as a company, please contact Cornelia Norie-Miller (cornelia@oxfordsong.org).

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