A Carnival of Pianos

14 October 2016, 10:00am - 4:30pm

The Schumann Project gets off to a thrilling start, meeting the composer as he takes his first confident steps. Aside from a handful of early songs, Schumann devoted himself exclusively to piano music before the 1840 outpouring of song. Some outstanding pianists explore this output, reflecting his single-minded and sometimes feverish approach, and setting the scene for the Festival in various central Oxford venues. 

After the introductory talk and concert, each event lasts no more than 30 minutes, allowing a further half hour to make your way to the next venue. There is a one-hour break for lunch.


SCHEDULE (click on titles for further information):

10am-10.30am - Holywell Music Room

An introduction to Robert Schumann's piano music, given by Professor Nicholas Marston, Fellow in Music at King's College, Cambridge.

10.30am-11am - Holywell Music Room

Schumann's Early Songs 

11.30am-12pm - New College Ante-Chapel

Piano Sonata No. 1, Op. 11, performed by Tim Horton

12.30pm-1pm - Holywell Music Room

Études Symphoniques, Op. 13, performed by Maki Sekiya

1pm-2pm Lunch

2pm-2.30pm - Holywell Music Room

Kreisleriana, Op. 16, performed by Samson Tsoy

3pm-3.30pm - Sheldonian Theatre

Carnaval, Op. 9, performed by Alasdair Beatson

4pm- 4.30pm - Balliol College Hall

Faschingsschwank aus wien, Op. 26, performed by Daniel Tong


OLF2016 Festival Flyer 3rdproof EXAGGERATED

14 October 2016 | 8:00am

The Schumann Project

Next Event
A Carnival of Pianos: Schumann's early songs
14 October 2016, 10:30am - 11:00am

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