Burns, Byron & Moore: Gillian Keith, Matthew Hargreaves & Simon Lepper
19 October 2015, 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Gillian Keith soprano
Matthew Hargreaves bass-baritone
Simon Lepper piano
Three poets whose far-reaching influence in song may be surprising. From traditional Celtic melodies to songs by Schumann, Loewe and Ives, Gillian Keith (visiting Oxford Lieder for the first time), Matthew Hargreaves and Simon Lepper explore a rich array of settings.
Settings of Thomas Moore (1779-1852)
Felix Mendelssohn: Der Blumenkranz
Fanny Mendelssohn-Hensel: Gondellied
Robert Schumann: Zwei Venetianische Lieder
Settings of Lord Byron (1788-1824)
Felix Mendelssohn: Schlafloser Augen leuchte
Robert Schumann: Die Weinende
Robert Schumann: Mein Herz ist Schwer
Settings of Robert Burns (1759-1796)
Ignaz Brull: Polly Steward
Carl Loewe: Findlay
Fanny Mendelssohn-Hensel: Von dir, mein lieb, ich scheiden muß
Robert Schumann: Jemand
Robert Schumann: Niemand
Robert Schumann: Hochlanders Abschied
Robert Franz: Was pocht mein Herz so sehr
Clara Schumann: Am strande
Felix Mendelssohn: Volkslied
Settings of Lord Byron
Modest Mussorgsky: Song of Saul before his last battle
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov: Turkish Tale
Miriam Gideon: To Thomas Moore
Settings of Thomas Moore
Benjamin Britten: The last rose of summer
Paul Hindemith: On hearing the last rose of summer (Charles Wolfe)
Charles Ives: Those evening bells
Charles Ives: Night Song
Amy Beach: Canadian Boat Song
Settings of Robert Burns
Dmitri Shostakovich: Coming through the rye
Dmitri Shostakovich: Macpherson's farewell
Benjamin Britten: Wee Willie
Maurice Ravel: Chanson écossaise
Francis George Scott: The Wren's nest
Francis George Scott: My wife's a wanton wee thing
Francis George Scott: A discreet hint

16 October 2015 | 9:00am