Check that Czech! Lucie Špicková (mezzo) and Lada Valešová (piano)
15 October 2008, 8:00pm
Two halves make a whole, and this applies to tonight's perfomers, both of whom are half of Czech origin. They are performing a wonderful programme of Czech music, which will include Dvorák's Gypsy Songs, some of the most fiery and passionate works in the repertoire. Also in the programme, a rare chance for Oxford audiences to discover the music of composers Hans Gál and Pavel Haas. Other songs, including a number of folk song arrangements, by Smetana, Janácek and Martinu, complete an enthralling evening.
Download podcast of Sholto Kynoch interviewing Lada (10 MB, MP3)

10 October 2008 | 9:00am