Daniela Lehner (mezzo-soprano) & Sholto Kynoch (piano)

03 April 2008, 8:30pm

A recital given in association with the Austrian Cultural Forum as part of the conference "VIENNA 1867-1890; pre-modernism and change"

Daniela Lehner - mezzo-soprano
Sholto Kynoch - piano
Songs by Schubert, Wolf (Mörike Lieder), Korngold and Zemlinsky

NB: Concert start time is 8.30pm 

Daniela Lehner has previously performed for Oxford Lieder with Graham Johnson as part of the Jesus College Visiting Artist Series, and is one of the outstanding mezzos of her generation. This concert is given as part of the conference "Vienna 1867 - 1890" and the particular focus of the programme will be a selection of Wolf's wonderful Mörike Lieder.

Renowned author and speaker Richard Stokes will give a free talk on these songs at 7.30pm, also in the Jacqueline du Pré Music Building.

Tickets will be available on the door or in advance from Tickets Oxford; 01865 305305 / www.ticketsoxford.com.


Franz Schubert (1797 - 1828)



Der König in Thule

Gretchen am Spinnrade

Der Musensohn

Hugo Wolf (1860 - 1903)

In der Frühe

Auf einer Wanderung


Das verlassene Mägdlein

Gesang Weylas


Alexander Zemlinsky (1871 - 1942)

From Sechs Gesänge nach Texten von Maurice Maeterlinck, Op. 13

Als ihr Geliebter schied

Und kehrt er einst heim

Paul Graener (1872 - 1944)

From Neue Galgenlieder



Erich Wolfgang Korngold (1897 - 1957)

Old English Song (op. 38 / 3)

Alt-Spanisch (op. 38 / 4)

Hey, Robin! (op. 29 / 4)

My mistress' eyes (op. 38 / 5)

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