'Der Göttinger Hainbund': settings of Hölty, Klopstock, Stolberg & Uz

26 October 2014, 5:00pm - 8:00pm

BUY TICKETS HERE   Fflur Wyn soprano Katie Bray mezzo-soprano Daniel Norman tenor William Dazeley baritone Sholto Kynoch piano John Warren speaker   Hölty and Stolberg, influenced by Klopstock and Uz, were members of the group of German poets known as the 'Göttinger Hainbund'. Schubert was particularly drawn to these influential poets in 1815 and 1816, and there is many an unknown gem in this fascinating programme. John Warren gives an introduction to each half of this concert, with a supper interval.    

Part One: 5pm-6pm
Part Two: 7pm-8pm


Programme to include:

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Settings of Ludwig Hölty (1748-1776):   Seligkeit, D433 Die frühe Liebe, D430 Die Knabenzeit, D400 Der Leidende 'Klage’, D432 An den Mond, D468 Frühlingslied, D398 Minnelied, D429 Winterlied, D401 Blumenlied, D431 Erntelied, D434 Klage an den Mond, D436   Settings of Johann Peter Uz (1720-1796):   Die Nacht, D358 Die Liebesgötter, D446 Gott im Frühlinge, D448 Der gute Hirt, D449 An den Schlaf, D447   Settings of Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock (1724-1803):   Das Rosenband, D280 Furcht der Geliebten 'An Cidli’, D285 Vaterlandslied, D287 An Sie, D288 Die Sommernacht, D289 Die frühen Gräber, D290 Dem Unendlichen, D291 Edone, D445 Hermann und Thusnelda, D322 Selma und Selmar, 286b   Settings of Friedrich Leopold Graf zu Stolberg-Stolberg (1750-1819):   Morgenlied, D266 Abendlied, D276 An die Natur, D372 Daphne am Bach, D411 Stimme der Liebe, D412 Lied 'Die Mutter Erde’, D788 Auf dem Wasser zu singen, D77
2014 brochure

10 October 2014 | 9:00am

2014 Festival: The Schubert Project

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