Eva Meier / Paul Cibis

20 October 2006, 8:00pm

Mackie Messer (Brecht/Weill)

Kuppellied - There's nothing quite like Money (Brecht/Eisler)

Barbara-Song (Brecht/Weill)

Ballade von der sexuellen Hoerigkeit - Ballad of Sexual Slavery(Brecht/Weill)

Jede Frau hat irgendeine Sehnsucht - Every woman has a little yearning (Oscar Strauss)

Jakob Apfelboeck (Brecht/Fischer)

Mutter Beimlen - Mother Beimlen (Brecht/Eisler)

Surabaya-Johnny (Brecht/Weill)

Ich weiss nicht zu wem ich gehoere - I don't know to whom I belong (Hollaender)

Lied des Haendlers - Supply and Demand (Brecht/Eisler)

Ballade von Weib des Nazisoldaten - Ballad of the Nazi-soldiers wife (Brecht/Eisler)

Lied einer deutschen Mutter - Song of a German Mother (Brecht/Eisler)

2 Wiegenlieder einer Arbeitermutter - 2 Lullabies of a German worker's mother (Brecht/ Eisler):

1)Als ich dich in meinem Leib trug - When I carried you inside me

2)Mein Sohn, was immer auch aus dir werde - My son, whatever will become of you

Das Lied der Mutter Courage - The Song of Mother Courage (Brecht/Dessau)

Lied von der Moldau - Song of the Moldau (Brecht/Eisler)

Irgendwo auf der Welt - Somewhere in the World (Gilbert/Heymann)

Bilbao-Song (Brecht/Weill)

Seeraeuber-Jenny - Pirate Jenny (Brecht/Weill)

Nannas Lied (Brecht/Weill)

Brochure 2006

01 October 2006 | 9:00am

2006 Festival

Previous Event
Anna Grevelius / Sholto Kynoch
19 October 2006, 8:00pm
Next Event
Late Night Shostakovich
20 October 2006, 10:00pm

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