Family Concert
31 October 2015, 11:00am - 12:00pm
Welcome to the Curious Laboratory of Song: a place where tunes are brewed and poems fizz, where unlikely concoctions of sounds and words summon donkeys, giants and ghostly towns (as well as a prize-winning nose-picker).
Make a musical rainstorm, race a spinning wheel and coax the jolliest of boatmen back to shore in this interactive storytelling concert, including music by Schubert, Poulenc, Wolf (he doesn’t bite) and Copland.
With pianist Will Vann, mezzo-soprano Katie Bray and tenor Daniel Norman. Written & created by Kate Wakeling.
Recommended age 5+.
(Please note children are welcome completely free: we have reluctantly introduced a small charge for adults due to a high number of people in previous years booking free tickets and then not attending, blocking others from enjoying this sell-out event)

16 October 2015 | 9:00am