Festival Chorus Concert

13 October 2013, 3:30pm - 5:00pm

The Festival Chorus was established at last year’s Lieder Festival and proved a popular success, with an extremely high-quality recital. This year, Jonathan Williams conducts a wonderful selection of part songs, open to all to hear free of charge. Singers of all abilities are welcome to join and will take part in a series of workshops and rehearsals with Jonathan Williams and soprano Fiona Dobie prior to today.

For more information on taking part in the Festival Chorus, email info@oxfordlieder.co.uk 

2013 brochure

11 October 2013 | 9:00am

2013 Festival

Previous Event
Solitary Hotel
13 October 2013, 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Next Event
Choral Evensong at Queen's College
13 October 2013, 5:15pm

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